Ingy 2.ö

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday Hanging from OP

Today I finally ate Teppanyaki again. Gugod and I went to our usual place. I guess it's called 肥仔龍, which means "Fat Dragon". It was crowded as usual. The crowd sitting on the outside of a huge horseshoe shaped grill with two chefs in the middle cooking their butts off. I got the beef and seafood set meal. Basically food keeps getting dumped on your plate, and eventually you are full. Love it.

Today I bought a half dozen really fun Taiwan scooter helmets. Cost maybe $35usd. Gonna buy few more and make an art exhibit at Liberty Bar sometime soon.

Now I'm hanging at Gugod's OPCafé. With my bad arm even!

Mostly this evening I'll be working on YAML2. I have to admit I'm over my head on this project so far. Despite being the creator of Perl's, I really don't know C or XS. Not anymore at least. I'm in total nööb möde. Hopefully I will upload the first version of YAML2 to CPAN tonight.


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